Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time for a break.

Well this past month was good and not so good.  I found myself very busy at work, and wasn't able to write as many thank you's as I would have liked.  I am determined to send 30 thank you's, but it's going to take a little longer than a month.

I have a lot of people to thank, but feel bad that I won't be able to get to everyone.  I have found it hard sometimes to say thank you.  Crazy right?  I have some friends that I have never really thanked for things they have done for me, but found it hard to express my feelings.  Mostly my guy friends...probably something to do with the "dude-code"...whatever that is.  But this month has been a good reminder that no matter what, people should be praised for the nice things they do.  There were even occasions when the same people let me know the "thank you" came at an opportune time whether it be a busy time in life, or a time they weren't feeling very appreciated.  And that makes it worth it.

Is there someone you know that deserves a thank you?  Probably.  Will you tell them how you feel?  I hope so.

I know I'm going to think about it a lot more, and try to appreciate the relationships I've enjoyed through the years.

As for December, I'm ready for a break.  It's becoming a hassle coming up with something new to do this month.  So I'm taking a break from it all.  No internet, no TV, no facebook, no words with friends on my phone.  I have some reading I want to do, I want to play my mandolin a bit more, I want to write a few more thank you's....and send it the old fashion way (you're welcome USPS).  It's been a great year, now its time to sit back and relax, and not be bothered by all this technology.

I hope you all have a great December.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November already?

Well, another month has passed without a blog.  Last month wasn't too exciting, so I didn't really feel the urge to blog.  Last month we decided to kick start our budgeting.  Nicki and I decided to not use our debit cards for the month and buy everything using cash.  It worked out pretty well, and we stayed within our budget...mostly.  We went a little over bugdet for our anniversary trip to Nashville, but it was well worth it.

It really helped us realize where we are spending our money.  But now that the month is over, I'm looking forward to using my debit card tomorrow when I have to fill up my car at the gas station.

This month is going to be a month of thank you's.  Too cliche?  Who cares.  There are a lot of people I have met that have had some kind of impact on who I am today. I'll get to really think about who I haven't said thank you to enough, or who I've never said thank you to.  I'm sure I wont be able to get around to everyone who should get a thank you, but 30 people in 30 days seems like a good start.