Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Emission this.

I feel like May was kind of a boring month, I didn't really feel like I had to "try" too hard.  We have been doing a pretty good job at not buying too much unnecessary "stuff" and are both trying to be more conscientious with what, and how, we buy things, so we are already buying as local as we ever have.  The challenge with this past month is that I have only bought 2 items, other than food.  We just got a new cellphone, but my options were limited.  It was either an Iphone or Inspire...both made in Asia.  The other purchase was some soap, made here in the bluegrass.

 I am going to continue the buying local as much as I can this summer, but I feel the need to kick it up a notch.  The first two months were fun, and challenging, and that is what has been lacking the last few months.  April and May haven't really been a struggle.  I don't think they were bad ideas, but I really wasn't forced to think about the big picture and how we live day to day.

I have made a point to make the next couple of months much more challenging.

This month I am ditching my car...mostly.  I am not going to drive my car for any trip less than 15 miles, unless I have to take Rowan somewhere, or any other instance that I have to pick anyone up.  I think this comes at a pretty good time.  Gas prices are ridiculous, the weather is getting nicer, and its time to take this flabby ass up a few inches.  I have a half marathon coming up in August, so this will definitely help with the training.

I will try to keep everyone updated on how things are going.  If anyone has any tips for me, I would appreciate it.  I don't think I have ridden my bike since last year.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Keeping it real (local)

Do you know how many local vendors there are in your town?  Me neither.  This month I intend to find out.  I hear a lot of buzz about buying local, and the importance of buying products from the good ole' USA.  I have to admit, I'm not sold American products are superior to those abroad, but I do realize there are a lot of good reasons to buy local products.  This month I intend on buying completely American made products.  Actually, I want to buy products made here in Lexington, Ky, but realize that may not be completely possible.

For starts, Nicki and I have enrolled in a community supported agriculture (CSA) program.  For those of you not familiar, we have paid a one time fee to a locally run farm outside of town and in return get a weekly box of their produce each week for the next 22 weeks.  Our local grocery coop also has clearly labeled foods/products that are made here in Kentucky, so we should be pretty set in the food department.  

I have some more research ahead of me, but I think this month is going to be another good learning experience.  I hope to blog a little more this month and keep updating our ongoings.