Thursday, January 6, 2011

And it starts...a couple of days ago

This past year has been a fun ride with moving, meeting new people, and learning how to be a bit more green.  My wife and I (mostly my wife) have learned new and interesting ways to live, clean, and eat without such a major impact on the environment.  This year I thought I would try to be a bit more extreme in speeding up my learning curve.

After watching a few documentaries about lessening our impact on the world and the crazy shit big corporations do to save a buck, make millions, and stick it to the lesser informed population, I felt it was time to do my small little part to get back to the way things used to be...just to see if it is the way things still could be.

For the last...well every new years resolution has pretty much been a major fail.  My resolution this year is to push myself do the things that I feel are the right things to do, the things that I used to think were too hard to do, or the ones I was just too lazy to try.  I want learn as much as I can about being as healthy as possible, I want to become a more informed consumer (I stole that from my friend Meghann), and I want to see how it impacts our family both financially and physically.  While I'm at it, I thought maybe blogging about it would get some new information out to other people, so that you can make a more informed decision about how you want to live your life.

Each month I am going to try to drastically change my behaviors and be very strict for a full month.  I figure if I do something new each month, I can learn more throughout a year, and I have less chance of giving up on another new years resolution.

I'm not sure how this whole blogging thing is going to go, I don't plan on this whole thing becoming very popular.  I hope to update my on-goings, try to inform others on new information I find through readings/documentaries, and maybe even help other people change their behaviors.  I'm sure I will keep up with some things for the long haul, and slack off on the others, but over all I think I will be a healthier and happier Shelton after this year is over.


  1. I am glad to see you remember how things use to be and actually realize at your age it is time to step up and help pull back the reigns of the way things have gotten out of hand in the world & looking forward into the future of what you need to do to help turn things around is going to impact you, your kids, & my grandkids future. Since 2008 when so many people were hit with job loss a lot of families since then have gone back to planting gardens to save money on groceries which in turn is healthier eating for their families. I know I need to jump on the "Green" bandwagon a bit more, don't think I can give up using bleach but I do far as the healthy eating side I will give up my "diet pepsi" for you in February and start walking again to prolong my time here, which will mean you will have to wait longer to inherit "your green"! I am proud to see how much you have grown up over the past few years and how much you are trying to give back to others. Most of all I am glad to see you have gone back to the way your hair was when I raised you! I support your cause! Mom

  2. I'm ok with putting up with you commenting on how I dress for a long time. I'm glad you posted something, it will make next week a bit easier when I have to bring my own food to Cracker Barrel.

    About the hair thing, let's not rule out the hair never being long again...
