Friday, January 7, 2011


It all started with the documentary "No impact man".  Did you know you can live for a full year with nearly no impact on the environment?  I didn't either.  I fully expected this guy to have to give up and wuss out.  Not only did this guy give up electricity (he figured out solar eventually), but he was able to do it with his wife and 2 year old daughter.  After watching his documentary I kind of felt like a shmuck for talking a big game without really doing anything about it.

This lead to an interest in other documentaries which lead me to another..."the beautiful truth".  Pretty much delved into the idea that food can help cure/prevent disease.  Pretty interesting stuff, but pretty extreme.  Regardless of the right vs. wrong, it really got me thinking about what we eat. 

I decided I wanted to see what it would be like if I ate the way people ate hundreds of years preservatives, no herbicides/pesticides, grown organically in a way to help sustain future crops.  So thats the deal for this month.   I'm not eating anything processed or non organic.  I'm finding out this isn't so black and white.  Pretty much if any foods have ingredients I can't pronounce, or wouldn't be considered food by our great great grandparents...I'm not eating it.  Goodbye Nerds (thanks for the 100 mini boxes you gave me mom, now I get to stare at them and remember how delicious they are), Goodbye Chipotle (although on a scale of not so good for're not doing too bad), Goodbye foods pumped with unnecessary hormones and fertilizers (if you have to wear biohazard clothing to spray the crops we eat, why would/should we eat it?).

I'm looking forward to this month.  It's going to be tough.  I'm excited to see what good will come out of it.


  1. I went to see a naturopath. I have switched to all organic, no dairy or gluten. If I do eat something processed (when I am weak) a good rule of thumb is it should only have three ingredients and you should be able to pronounce they words! Good Luck, you will feel so much better!-Stacey L.

  2. How long ago did you switch? How was it for you? I haven't really found it to be too tough yet...although I really could use a pickle.

    Are there any restaurants in the HBG area that I can eat at? We are coming up for a Drayer course and I'd like to get a group of people together for dinner. But I may have to settle for a meeting at ABC over some organic beer...which is just fine by me.
