Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello February, goodbye plastic

One month down, eleven to go.

I have long heard of the horrors of plastic bottles in the ocean, how BPA causes numerous health issues, and how bad bottling water is for the environment.  This month I plan on taking a bit deeper look into how bad plastic really is.

Along the way I have decided to not buy anything that contains plastic.  Goodbye plastic wrapped food, electronics, bottled juices, and plastic bags.  We have tried for a long time to really not use much plastic for shopping bags, but looking around the apartment, we haven't done much to limit the amount of plastic we buy.

This month I am going to really try to not buy anything plastic.  There is a lot of unnecessary waste going on in the world and plastics is a big problem.  At first I thought this would be nearly impossible, but there are a lot of people out there doing really well.  I know its going to be a challenge, but I like those.  I also like doing things a bit more different, so it will be fun along the way.

There will be some exceptions, for now anyway.  We have a lot of plastic containers that I plan on using to take my lunch to work.  We also have a full bottle of shampoo and conditioner that I fully plan on using, and doubt I will use up before the month is over.  It will be interesting when the toothpaste runs out though, as well as my deodorant.

This month I plan to do a better job at blogging more about the harmful effects of plastics on the body, environment, and the wallet.  If any of you have any other information regarding products that don't use plastic, or is an alternative to products that require plastic, I would love to hear about it.

I hope this month goes as well as the last.


  1. Hey Shelton! I like your blog, I think what you're doing is really interesting and way more obtainable than a yearly cut and dry resolution! While you do inspire me to try to do/be better...I'm currently pretty I'll continue to read your blog and live better through you! Maybe someday :) Anyway, I wanted to do a little looking on your concern about the toothpaste and deodorant containers...apparently a company called Natures Gate sells toothpaste in a metal tube and so does Tom's of Maine which you might even be able to find at normal places like a Whole Foods! And I've read that you can buy deodorant rocks (or stones) that don't have any packaging! That would be interesting. I think if you do find deodorant stones you should definitely take a picture for your blog. That would be something most people have never seen...myself included! So, yeah, Good luck with your remaining 11 months and I can't wait to see what March brings! Check ya!

  2. I'm totally loving your blog. I started doing some similar things recently with eating better and having a smaller footprint in general. Here are some websites I have been visiting And
    One of the sites says that you can use apple cider vinegar as a deodorant, but not as an antiperspirant.
    Sue Diehl

  3. Angie, thanks for tips. The deodorant is getting pretty low, pretty quick.

    Sue, I'm not sure that I could candle the apple cider vinegar smell on me. But thanks for the links to check out.
